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Hi! I just want to make sure...I purchased the hardcover book for 47.00- I got a pdf download, just want to make sure I also got the book? It seems from the comments I did, but it didn’t ask for shipping address, so..,,

Looks good!

You know, if it autofilled your address you should check it:

 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information" and check your address.  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

I’m in the same boat... unable to confirm if the hardcover is on the way. 

Hi Tim, 

I purchased the physical book, but was never able to input my address. How will this info be obtained? 

(1 edit)

 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information" and put in your address.  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

Cool! Thanks for the reply. I’ve updated my information and look forward to receiving the book! 

Hi Tim, I purchased a hard copy of the book on wednesday and put in the amount for book and shipping to the UK. I've had a confirmation email from that I've purchased the PDF files but nothing else. Just wanted to check that I'd done everything correctly. Can you let me know? Thanks.


I need an address from you.  

<span class="s1" <the="" easiest="" fix="" is="" for="" you="" to="" go="" to <a="" href=""></span>

Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information" and put in your address.  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.


My fault entirely, but I think I haven't paid the correct amount for shipping for a physical copy of the game as I left the total that was filled in by default in the box... Let me know how to fix! 


Same here, sorry! Would be grateful to know how to send you the extra shipping costs!

You folks can email me at  I find the short payments eventually but it speeds it up if you find me first.

Also, itch is ridiculous when it comes to physical stuff.  Not your fault at all.

Hi Tim!

I sent you a... quite different email a few hours ago. Whenever you have the time just let me know if this might pique your interest :-)

And thanks for the Community Copie, once again!

I'm so intrigued!  I won't get to look at emails for another hour, but I promise that hour will be spent in fell speculation.

Well we actually already had a bit of a chat! Cheers from Italy :-)

Hello Tim

Book looks fantastic. Just purchased a copy, for delivery to the UK.

Can you confirm that the order is showing that I want a physical book, as I can't seem to find any confirmation in the email. Thanks, Steve.

you're all good!

I'm so excited to play this! I just bought the physical and I'm going to try and wait to look at the pdf till it gets here! I'm definitely going to spread the word about this.


Hi just wanted to confirm that I would be getting two copies of Thousand Year vampire, I put a charge for $83 (as I am shipping to US) so I hope that is correct. I just wanted to know for certain that I will be getting two copies as this is an anniversary gift for me and my fiance. 

here, I'll put the order in now so there are no hijinx...  Done.  Look for an email from blackbox.

Awesome! We are super looking forward to it! Thank you so much!

(2 edits)

I purchased two hard copies for shipping to Canada ($56+$37  so $93 total USD) but just received my email saying I’d only be shipped one copy, is there something else I need to do to get the other copy?


Yep, I did a dumb spreadsheet error and sent a handful of orders that were getting multiple copies as singles.  I've put in a fix request for the order and will send a second copy if it doesn't get caught.

Does a print copy of the book come with a pdf, or do they need to be bought separately?


comes with pdf. i just bought it and got a link

(2 edits) (+2)

You should make a Canadian version with all references to vampires replaced with moose and a special thousand year moose print book for those moosepires:)


That's not funny because a Møøse  once bit my sister

I'm  sorry your sister is a weremoose now roaming the world on four moose hooves on the full moon.


Found this via SUSD, ordered a physical copy. I'm glad I found it, kudos to the creator for a cool idea! 

My wife isn't huge into board games, so finding something to engage in solo is a welcome retreat. 


There are multiplayer rules in the appendix if you are feeling brave.


This is the designer/seller:

Oh my gosh you SUSD people have buried me.  It's wonderful and amazing--thank you all.

The next thing I must do is apologize for the awkwardness with which handles physical sales.  It is not graceful and this was fine when there were fewer orders.  Ha!  I only just now caught up with all me emails and questions.

(5 edits)

If you order extra books just add 37USD onto your total in the paybox.  Itch won't tell you this gets you more books but I'll see it on my end.  

Same thing with shipping.  

Im so excited, glad the SUSD crew got me here. Should we expect an email from you after our physical order has been processed? Or do we get a shipping notification?

You'll get tracking emails from blackbox!  Watch out for 'em.  

Yeah same here with SUSD. I ordered a physical, but it doesn't really SAY physical and has a DL link.

I AM getting a physical right? Seems like the correct way to go. I'm very excited and have a terrible memory. I'm hoping maybe I can learn something or have a unique fun time. Maybe get pushed through my comfort zones.

Yeah, Itch isn't great at this and I'm not using or explaining it as well as I would've liked.

You'll eventually get a notice from Blackbox and that's your tracking number.  In the meantime it's grade-A bumblefuckery and I'm so sorry.

Book came today. Talk about fast!

Hi, I have just paid $75 for the hardback version to ship to the UK but it appears that I only. Have the pdf download. I find the site a bit confusing an you confirm that you have my order and will  be shipping. Thanks

Your order is perfect!  You have thwarted the combined efforts of itch and myself.  Good work!

Tim, thank you for allaying my fears and for revealing the mysteries of your labyrinthine site. My thirst for your work grows deeper by the hour, how I crave to slake it. 


Not quite 12 hours old Vampire. 





Hmm, yeah, I messed that up too. I paid $46 for one copy to UK, only after did I realise I should of paid $67! Please please tell me how to fix this err, I really want the physical book ToT

Email me at

I think I’ve got things wrong then. I paid $92.48 for two copies to EU, got a dispatch notice for one. What did I do wrong? 😂

Itch is awful and I make it worse with my poor explanations.  Email me at

Hello, I've had the same issue as some others. Placed an order for $93 for two books to Canada. Only received notification for 1 to be shipped.

I'll see it and you'll get both!

Awesome! Looking forward to it!

(1 edit)

-Edited- Received confirmation for the second book. Thanks! 


I placed an order 3 hours ago, just got the shipping notification. 

I paid $104 for 2 books to be shipped to the EU, arriving in 2-4 weeks. However the notification came through that only 1 copy is being shipped. 

I'll see it and you'll get both!

I live in Moscow, Russia. Is it possible for you to deliver the book there? If the answer is yes, then what would be the cost?

I have to ship regular post and I can't guarantee delivery.  I think that's 30USD, so 76USD total.  

You use a reshipping place.  Someone recommended this one for books:

OK, I just order the big box set using Paypal. I didn't ever put in a shipping address. I had an outdated address linked to my paypal account (this has been fixed), and I wanted to verify the shipping address on my order. Who should I get in touch with?


Hi, navigate to your library and where you'd go to download the PDF, once there you should be able to scroll down to where it lists the book purchasing information. Then you can update your information in that area and provide your shipping address. 

It worked this time, I got my address updated. Thanks for all of the help.

(1 edit)

So, I just ordered a physical copy of the book (I think) Paid $46 for it. I put in my address, but there doesn't seem to be any indication that it's gonna ship or even that I bought a physical copy. 

Is this a problem, or is it just how this site works? This is the first time I've bought a physical product from this site. I'm very confused

you're good!

(1 edit)

I think I’ve ordered two physical copies for the uk. I just added $37 to whatever the cost was and paid what it told me, I think it was $90-odd dollars in the end. Does this sound about right? Sorry for the child-like questions, just weirds me out when there isn’t an itemised breakdown of exactly what I’ve bought :)

That sounds right!  I'll track you down if it isn't.  I apologize for the wonkiness of this system.

(1 edit)

Discovered your game via SU&SD, really want to buy a hard copy - it looks interesting and creative! Quick question before I order: how does it play as a cooperative game? My husband and I are new to RPGs and I'd like this to be our first together. We are big fans of board games like Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective and Arabian Nights. Thanks!

Both of those are good games that I think will fit in with multiplayer TYOV.  Get a community copy and try it out for free!


I also was not asked for an address for the physical book when I ordered it? Will there be an email asking for an address at some point? It’s kinda confusing

(2 edits)

It's so confusing.  Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information".  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

perfect! Thanks!

Wow. Su&sd have made you some wonga today..

Bought a print and play copy .. I hate paying for p&p and very conscious of the carbon footprint. 

Any instructions getting it to my printer. It looks a strange format. 

Check in with me in a couple of weeks and ask about a single page PDF version.

I paid for two physical books but there was no option to select that. How do I make sure I get two books?

I'll see the amount you paid and put it into the spreadsheet.

I just got notice that only one copy was shipped out. What do I do?

Never mind. Figured it out with the shippers.


I also didnt modify the amount for shipping to canada, if you could please contact thank you

Email me at

(1 edit) (+2)

Is there any way to update my payment to get a second copy of the book? I completely missed the part at the bottom about adding $37 to the total to avoid paying shipping twice. I'm a fool, but any help would be appreciated.

Email me at

Hello! I wanted to book a print copy while living in Germany. 

I realized now that I did not modify the amount of my order to reflect the shipping cost (so I just paid 47 USD). Is there a way for me to cancel my order, so I can restart the process with the proper amount? 

Thank you!

Email me at


A few people have asked about shipping addresses. At least for me, after I finished with paypal it brought me to a download page for the PDF (the link to the page is also in the confirmation email). At the very bottom of that page there was a button called "Update information" which let me put in a shipping address.

Thanks! Hopefully that solves the problem.  Hopefully.....

I just looked at that link, I am not seeing the Update Information link at the bottom.

Like others, I purchased the hard copy for $46.23 USD but was not prompted for a shipping address. Any thoughts?

 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information".  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

I purchased a hard copy of the book was not prompted for a shipping address. How do I get the physical copy?

 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information".  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

I would like to order a physical copy but the order process is not making sense. Please fix ASAP.

It is awfully unclear.  Email me at

I ordered a physical copy, but I don't remember it prompting me for a shipping address. Did I do it wrong?

 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information".  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.


I was aiming to get the physical copy shipped to Australia
I have been charged 46.23 USD and got a pdf?
Just want to check if I got this right
I don't think I gave an address
Did I do something wrong and if I did what can I do to resolve?


 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information" and put in your address.  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

Then email me at

Seems great I ordered two copies for a US address so it was 46.23 +37 for a grand total of 83.23.  Don't need to do anything else correct?

you should be good

Ordered a physical copy but like some others, I'm in Australia. I changed the cost to $68 USD. Is that correct?

Also, I entered my address by clicking the 'update information' button. Is that correct as well?

Ordered a physical copy but never had the option to enter an address. Is this pulled from Paypal?


 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information" and put in your address.  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

So I think I ordered the game correctly. I went to my orders page and updated the address for the physical book. Is that what I should have done? Please advise.

That sounds right.

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