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I see that the shipping charges to Canada have changed. (Which is fine!) Um, how do I correct it and will I receive confirmation that it has been sent?

Can't want to play! (waiting for the book eagerly -- I love the look of it!!) :)

If you ordered before the shipping charges changed then you're fine.  Don't worry about it.  

Thank you! <3 

I've been playing this most nights before bed, it is absolutely enchanting! I think it's ingenious how the rules work to create the exact story themes that define the feel of the game, while still being tense and engaging, and still offering players enough narrative freedom to express themselves. I absolutely cannot wait for my physical copy, and you sir have turned me onto solo/journaling RPGs for life!


I recommend Princess With a Cursed Sword and then Magizoology next!

(1 edit)


I am afraid I made a mistake. I ordered the book, but am from Europe, and didn't write anything other than 51 dollars in the box. The total came out at 62 dollars, but thats not enough. 

Is there any way we can reverse the payment, or I pay you the remaining money for express shipment to EU? Like, purchasing the PDF version for the remaining money?



I'll email you!


I realize you are busy, but just in case I missed something - I haven't heard anything yet from you.

Best regards!


Watch for an email tomorrow, I think.  


As per request, I updated my adress information again. I still haven't heard anything regarding the missing money I need to pay you :-)

I am sorry if this is me being impatient, but I am not a thousand year old vampire with that kind of patience ;-)

I'll send it tomorrow.  Thank you for checking in!

Hi Tim,

I still haven't heard anything?

Best regards


I haven't sent anything out yet to anyone.  I've been sick enough since Friday that I'm not trusting myself to manage excel documents.  I'm sorry.  I'll do it soon.  It won't slow down your book at all.  

Oh, I am not worried about slowdowns - I just want you to have the money you should for the book and the shipping! Get well ! :-)

hi, ordered the physical copy of 1000 Year Old Vampire yesterday, I noticed the postage rates went up since then and I wondered if that is something I need to correct in my payment.

You should be good.  Don't worry about it.

Heya, bought the hardcover several days ago but haven’t had a confirmation... everything go through all right?

Watch for an email from Blackbox tomorrow!

Still haven't received anything from Blackbox, or anyone else... the order says "Fulfilled" but I've received no confirmation... help?

hey Tim! Just bought your book on the 28th. Wanted to see if you had a prospective date for shipment? I know we’re all curious and I’m sure a comment in when they’re going out will help you fro getting flooded with “where are my book” questions. Thanks brother! Excited for your book to arrive.

Watch for an email from blackbox, probs tomorrow.

Hello Tim, there is a "Get for $50" option for the Print copy of the book, is this still the same gold foiled version and does that price apply to International shipping to Asia to or am I stuck with paying $80?

The $50 is the basic cost of the book, with shipping, in the US.  Folks outside the US pay the total in the shipping area below so if you're in Australia you need to pay $80USD.  I've switched prices to the Fedex-from-the-warehouse price because I'm too swamped to ship through the post office by hand.  Shipping is -awful- and I'm sorry.

If you contact me directly Friday or later I can offer you a cheaper postal rate.  It'll be $68-70.  It's possible that I'll be sold out of books by then but unlikely.

The DTRPG option to Australia should cost $40-45USD but it does not have the foil and fanciness.  Also, it'll never sell out.  

(1 edit)

Hi Tim,

I'm still waiting to hear back on confirmation regarding my order from etiher email or comments here.

Edit: I have emailed you as requested and also replied to your comment but not heard any response back. The speed that this is evolving has me very concerned.


I figured it out and emailed you!

For others who might see this:  When two emails are attached to your account things can get sticky.  Also, if I don't respond in a day please email me again.  

Thanks so much for getting back to me. Congratulations on the award! I can't wait to start playing. Ordinarily I'd not be so anxious about hearing back but this book is flying off the shelves, metaphorically.


People!  Thousand Year Old Vampire has been nominated for THREE ENNIE AWARDS!




Thank you!

Well deserved, well done!

Hi Tim,  sorry to post here, but on Friday I purchased a print copy of TYoV but inadvertently entered my email incorrectly.  As such I haven't received a confirmation email.  Besides correcting my email address in my account settings, what else can I do?

ah!  email me at  include old and new emails.

Hey Tim, I ordered your masterpiece a few days ago and I was wondering if there would be any kind of confirmation of shipping or something similar, since I only got the PDF and no additional email. Thanks for your help.

Watch for an email from blackbox!

Hello Tim, I was wondering if you have the shipping information for the order I made, or if fed ex itself will send the information. The page says it’s been fulfilled and I am just looking for tracking info. Thanks in advance.

I saw the same thing and had the same question. Thanks!

Watch for an email from blackbox!

thanks for the reply!

If I lived in the US I'd order a physical copy but just the PDF for me for now :) Great concept, love the mechanics and can't wait to get started on this lazy Sunday. Great work.

Overseas shipping is awful.  You can order a slightly less glorious PDF version here:  Cheap UK shipping worldwide.

(1 edit)

Hi Tim,

I ordered a physical copy and just want to make sure I did everything correctly, as the only confirmation email I receive was a link to a downloadable pdf.

Thanks in advance !

Watch for an email!

Is there a difference between this physical copy and the one on drivethrurpg?

the "fanciness" ...the one on DTRPG doesn't have the foil emboss. I think the content of the "game" is all the same.

Hi there!

Awesome work :)

How much is it to post the fancy version to Brazil?


Game maker here:  Thank you all again for the support!  The game is going to sell out in a couple of days which is the way the system is supposed to work but it's still a bother.  When it sells out I'll still have copies but it'll be days before I know how many I actually have to dole out.

I'm setting up another print run.  This second run will have some errors corrected but will, for all practical purposes, be the same as the first.  I think the second print run will just have one ribbon.

I'll have a pre-order option here on itch for the second run, I think, and will have a small handful of first run copies that I'll sell at a greedy markup.  Folks can also get a POD copy at DTRPG.  

(1 edit)

I hope you'll be able to ship the full copy I ordered. Given the speed at which everything is going I'm concerned from the lack of confirmation of my order.

Apologies for adding once more to the bombardment but another query: 

We keep getting ‘mismatched token’ when my partner tries to add his address in the link. I’ve looked at  cache and multiple browsers as other people seem to have that problem but to no avail.

Will it go to my address that I supplied before (we share address) or is it waiting for him to supply one?  Just checking because ridiculously bloodthirsty! 

ALSO.... will it be possible to be a fucking butterfly?? We would really like to...

Oh, that's a weird error and beyond my competency.  Contact

Email me at and give me the email you used for the purchase and the address you want to send the book to.  And I'll sell you a copy of You're a Fucking Butterfly for $5-15USD, whatever you want to pay--I'll give you a paypal address.

Here's a PDF of it to look at

Game looks amazing. Wanted to purchase 2 copies. Read in comments there was a buy one get 2nd for $31. Is that a thing and if it is how do I make it happen?

Under "Buy the print copy..." press the red "Get for $46" button.  In the paybox type in 83USD ($46 for one book + $37 for the second).  This assumes US shipping.  Email me at if you need help with it.

(1 edit)

Possible to get a digital version that isn't spreads, but single page view (like the cover)?

Want to have single-page on one half of the screen, and my editor on the other.


Yes, I'll have this on the site in a couple of weeks.  Nudge me soon.

Hey! I just bought the game with the Canada shipping fee included but I just wanted to make sure that I didn't mess anything up?

Looks fine!  You'll prob get a shipping email from blackbox on Monday.

Sounds good, I heard about the warehouse issues and I don't really mind, but it seems you've upped the price of the game a tiny bit since I paid for it. Do I need to give you the missing 4$ in some way?

i dunno if this is a weird request, but i ordered three copies of thousand year old vampire. the book looks amazing!!! i can't wait to delight in all its details, and i am so excited to play it with my group. i would love it if you could sign all three books. is that weird? i hope not. i think these books are absolute treasures.

It's not weird at all!  I don't mind (because you bought so many books) but that adds to the shipping expense of the books because I have to send them from the warehouse to my home, sign 'em, then reship them.  My other big concern is logistics--I'm just buried in work right now and I don't want to mess up.  Email me at

yes, the obvious solution is that i need to order one more book before they all sell out and have that shipped to me directly, while you take your time to sign the other three. to the future purchasers who may accuse me of hoarding these books, i plan to give some of them away.

I ordered the physical copy with all the fancy fonts and ribbons and have provided my address. Can you confirm receipt of this information and will you be emailing a confirmation when this was shipped?

Weirdly enough I can only partially confirm it.  I can see you on one list but not on the other.  Can you email me from the email that you used to purchase the book?

I changed email addresses right after purchasing as I had the wrong address assigned to the account. I'd email you both account names but I don't know your email address. Can you reply to the one you have and I'll reply with whatever information you need?

Hi, I replied as requested and I'm waiting for a response.

Hi Tim,

I ordered yesterday, but like others here didn’t think that it didn’t ask for my shipping info! I have now provided it via the download page “provide information” link but just wanted to confirm it has been received and if I should expect a shipping notification once it’s sent out?

watch for an email from blackbox.  if you didn't get one today then you'll prob get it monday.

Great, thank you sir!

<high five>

Hey Tim -

Still haven’t seen a shipping notification come through, just want to make sure you have everything you need!

I'm sending the next batch tonight.  That covers Friday+

Hi Tim,

I bought the stash of 4 books. On the final page it says I am buying only TYOV, and giving a $155. I’ve revisited the ordering a few times so I think this might be an itch glitch. Are you able to check?

Gift email says all four, so all sorted!


Deleted 4 years ago

Hi! I just want to make sure...I purchased the hardcover book for 47.00- I got a pdf download, just want to make sure I also got the book? It seems from the comments I did, but it didn’t ask for shipping address, so..,,

Looks good!

You know, if it autofilled your address you should check it:

 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information" and check your address.  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

I’m in the same boat... unable to confirm if the hardcover is on the way. 

Hi Tim, 

I purchased the physical book, but was never able to input my address. How will this info be obtained? 

(1 edit)

 Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information" and put in your address.  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.

Cool! Thanks for the reply. I’ve updated my information and look forward to receiving the book! 

Hi Tim, I purchased a hard copy of the book on wednesday and put in the amount for book and shipping to the UK. I've had a confirmation email from that I've purchased the PDF files but nothing else. Just wanted to check that I'd done everything correctly. Can you let me know? Thanks.


I need an address from you.  

<span class="s1" <the="" easiest="" fix="" is="" for="" you="" to="" go="" to <a="" href=""></span>

Go to here and click "Download" then scroll down and "Provide Information" or "Update Information" and put in your address.  If that doesn't work you can email me the address here, but that'll slow things down a bit.


My fault entirely, but I think I haven't paid the correct amount for shipping for a physical copy of the game as I left the total that was filled in by default in the box... Let me know how to fix! 


Same here, sorry! Would be grateful to know how to send you the extra shipping costs!

You folks can email me at  I find the short payments eventually but it speeds it up if you find me first.

Also, itch is ridiculous when it comes to physical stuff.  Not your fault at all.

Hi Tim!

I sent you a... quite different email a few hours ago. Whenever you have the time just let me know if this might pique your interest :-)

And thanks for the Community Copie, once again!

I'm so intrigued!  I won't get to look at emails for another hour, but I promise that hour will be spent in fell speculation.

Well we actually already had a bit of a chat! Cheers from Italy :-)

Hello Tim

Book looks fantastic. Just purchased a copy, for delivery to the UK.

Can you confirm that the order is showing that I want a physical book, as I can't seem to find any confirmation in the email. Thanks, Steve.

you're all good!

I'm so excited to play this! I just bought the physical and I'm going to try and wait to look at the pdf till it gets here! I'm definitely going to spread the word about this.


Hi just wanted to confirm that I would be getting two copies of Thousand Year vampire, I put a charge for $83 (as I am shipping to US) so I hope that is correct. I just wanted to know for certain that I will be getting two copies as this is an anniversary gift for me and my fiance. 

here, I'll put the order in now so there are no hijinx...  Done.  Look for an email from blackbox.

Awesome! We are super looking forward to it! Thank you so much!

(2 edits)

I purchased two hard copies for shipping to Canada ($56+$37  so $93 total USD) but just received my email saying I’d only be shipped one copy, is there something else I need to do to get the other copy?


Yep, I did a dumb spreadsheet error and sent a handful of orders that were getting multiple copies as singles.  I've put in a fix request for the order and will send a second copy if it doesn't get caught.

Does a print copy of the book come with a pdf, or do they need to be bought separately?


comes with pdf. i just bought it and got a link

(2 edits) (+2)

You should make a Canadian version with all references to vampires replaced with moose and a special thousand year moose print book for those moosepires:)


That's not funny because a Møøse  once bit my sister

I'm  sorry your sister is a weremoose now roaming the world on four moose hooves on the full moon.


Found this via SUSD, ordered a physical copy. I'm glad I found it, kudos to the creator for a cool idea! 

My wife isn't huge into board games, so finding something to engage in solo is a welcome retreat. 


There are multiplayer rules in the appendix if you are feeling brave.


This is the designer/seller:

Oh my gosh you SUSD people have buried me.  It's wonderful and amazing--thank you all.

The next thing I must do is apologize for the awkwardness with which handles physical sales.  It is not graceful and this was fine when there were fewer orders.  Ha!  I only just now caught up with all me emails and questions.

(5 edits)

If you order extra books just add 37USD onto your total in the paybox.  Itch won't tell you this gets you more books but I'll see it on my end.  

Same thing with shipping.  

Im so excited, glad the SUSD crew got me here. Should we expect an email from you after our physical order has been processed? Or do we get a shipping notification?

You'll get tracking emails from blackbox!  Watch out for 'em.  

Yeah same here with SUSD. I ordered a physical, but it doesn't really SAY physical and has a DL link.

I AM getting a physical right? Seems like the correct way to go. I'm very excited and have a terrible memory. I'm hoping maybe I can learn something or have a unique fun time. Maybe get pushed through my comfort zones.

Yeah, Itch isn't great at this and I'm not using or explaining it as well as I would've liked.

You'll eventually get a notice from Blackbox and that's your tracking number.  In the meantime it's grade-A bumblefuckery and I'm so sorry.

Book came today. Talk about fast!

Hi, I have just paid $75 for the hardback version to ship to the UK but it appears that I only. Have the pdf download. I find the site a bit confusing an you confirm that you have my order and will  be shipping. Thanks

Your order is perfect!  You have thwarted the combined efforts of itch and myself.  Good work!

Tim, thank you for allaying my fears and for revealing the mysteries of your labyrinthine site. My thirst for your work grows deeper by the hour, how I crave to slake it. 


Not quite 12 hours old Vampire. 





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